My infinite gratitude to those who took advantage of the First Birthday Offer to join the Away Team as a paid subscriber. I especially want to single out Lieutenant Ivo who has been dedicating his shore leave to trawling through the computer banks, reading WAMs and enjoying them - which has made my day so many times in the last month! Thank you, Lieutenant! ❤
Missed the First Birthday Offer? Here’s a second chance to get a third off forever that’s good until “The Defector” runs on Wednesday - it’s what I like to call the Tomalak Runs Amok Offer!
I’ve decided to give a late-breaking First Birthday gift to our very own former Star Trek: The Next Generation screenwriter, Will Stape, who is hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Yes, that means he gets to join the Away Team for free, which feels like too small a reward for him being such a friend to the blog.
Your pips have been beamed into your mind’s eye, Lieutenant Stape, and you are now free to read all the Away Team only posts. Thanks for all your support over the first year! ❤❤
We definitely could use some more Ensigns, and literally all you have to do is say hi!
Duty Roster
Captain Bateman
Lieutenant Commander Mower
Lieutenant Commander British Tennessean
Lieutenant Wightwave
Lieutenant Rob
Lieutenant Ivo
Lieutenant Stape
+2 Lieutenants currently off duty
Lieutenant JG Elliott
Lieutenant JG Jess H
Ensign Haddie
Ensign Gibbens
Ensign (Mordechai) Buxner
Ensign (Benedict Tiberius) Cato
Ensign inw
+48 crewmen
Just realised I have no tricorder readings upon which to base my assessment of Lieutenant Ivo's gender! If I got this wrong, please accept my apologies!
What a delightful surprise! Thank you for this cool and thoughtful gift, Chris. Keep up the great work.
I'm thrilled to see how much WAM TNG has grown! 🖖