If you were to ask me “what’s the biggest problem you face writing WAMTNG?” the surprising answer would be “finding cast photos that are for the right season!” Is the cast photo above from season four? I’m really not sure. I’m not entirely sure the one I used for season three isn’t from season four! But for whatever reason, it’s only Gates McFadden who can manage a smile in this one.
The day that the filming of “Yesterday's Enterprise” began, Michael Piller circulated this notorious memo:
This was extremely unpopular with the ‘old hands’ in the writing room who had served under season two’s showrunner, Maurice Hurley - namely Melinda M. Snodgrass, Hans Beimler, and Richard Manning. Ira Steven Behr, who joined in season three, had to act as a go-between between Piller and these writers all the way through to the end of the third season, when they all left (even Behr, although he continued to write for Trek and had a key role in DS9). Piller, as discussed in the WAM for “The Best of Both Worlds”, wasn’t sure if he’d be coming back or not - and actually proposed Behr for his role. But in the end, Piller remained, and the stage was set for a dramatic overhaul of the TNG writing room.
Thus we get season 4, which is remarkable for its switch away from the focus on hermetically sealed individual episodes and towards ongoing story arcs, a change that is to remain with Trek forever more. The House of Mogh arc occupies the majority of the episodes of this season directly or indirectly, and thematically there’s a real focus on family - heck, one of the episodes is even called “Family”! Season four also sees elevation of Colm Meaney’s Miles O’Brien to the status of… character with a first name. They finally start to give Meaney a chance to show off his acting chops in this season too.
So polish up your eyeballs and prepare for the season that will (in a mere fifteen weeks time) take us to the halfway point of WAMTNG!
End of Season Promotions
There’s been a shortage of Captain’s Logs recently because it turned out working on the Top 40 Studio Miniatures series entailed much more legwork than I originally anticipated! So I feel we are owed a spate of promotions.
First off, one of the Away Team gets a promotion at the end of each season - and this time it’s just has to be our very own TNG screenwriter, Will Stape, who has continued to be an enormous friend and supporter of this project. Thanks, Will - everything you do to help promote WAMTNG is always appreciated!
Additionally, it is my pleasure to promote Ensign Cato to Lieutenant Junior Grade, and both Gustavo Jaramillo Luzardo and Homer Picard to the rank of Ensign. To all our promoted officers, many thanks for your support - your extra pips have been beamed directly into your imagination!
Calling all potential Lieutenants! You have until Denise Crosby’s birthday to get two gold pips on your imaginary uniform collar at a special discounted rate with this special Season Four offer! Unlock all those Top 40 Studio Miniatures and Crew Profiles to read at your leisure and get the satisfaction of knowing you’re supporting WAMTNG!
…or leave a comment on any WAM to earn a promotion to the rank of Ensign. Easiest job advancement in the quadrant!
Duty Roster
Captain Bateman
Lieutenant Commander Mower
Lieutenant Commander British Tennessean
Lieutenant Commander Stape
Lieutenant Wightwave
Lieutenant Rob
Lieutenant Ivo
+2 Lieutenants currently off duty
Lieutenant JG Elliott
Lieutenant JG Jess H
Lieutenant JG (Benedict Tiberius) Cato
Ensign Haddie
Ensign Gibbens
Ensign (Mordechai) Buxner
Ensign inw
Ensign (Gustavo Jaramillo) Luzardo
Ensign (Homer) Picard
+50 crewmen