Thanks for the promotion! Permission to come aboard, captain?

Star Trek TNG is my favorite show of all time and I look forward to WAM TNG every week. I think I started reading somewhere in late season 2 or early season 3. I need to go back and read from the beginning. I'm sure there was a lot of fun on the production side in seasons 1 and 2.

Your last name reminded me of Kelsey Grammar's character from Cause and Effect, who's name I thought was Bateman but is actually Bateson so I guess there's no family connection. I wonder which was named first, the captain Bateson or the ship, USS Bozeman.

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At ease, Ensign... actually, Lieutenant now, I think! 😁 Thanks for commenting, Adam! Always great to hear from someone who's enjoying WAMTNG! It's quite a bit of work, but I am thoroughly enjoying revisiting these episodes, and it means a lot to me that there are others who are enjoying themselves too. ❤

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Well I certainly appreciate it. I know next to nothing about the production of the show so I learn about a hundred new things every week.

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Amusingly, so do I! 😁 I thought I was pretty well-versed in the behind-the-scenes stuff, but every time I dig a little deeper, I learn new things. It seems there's always something new to discover!

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Thank you for your commendation Captain!

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I am admiring the extra pip in my imagination even now.

-- inw

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