I deduce that the writer of this episode was well versed in the literary legacy of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and what's more, Watson, his fiendish plot gives us a most excellent holodeck episode
I think I must have missed this one in the original run and I'm definitely going to have to catch it now.
For you especially, this is a must-see episode. It has a sequel in the later seasons too.
Here's this scene as it appears in the script; the episode is the same in my recollection. It's only a nitpick, really, but I can't help myself. 😂
Geordi leads them back over to the exit.
GEORDI: Computer! Arch!
And the arch MATERIALIZES. The street crowd pay no attention, except for one man Moriarty) in b.g., who eyes it offhandedly.
PULASKI: Are you really sure you want to put yourself through this, Lieutenant? Better wilted laurels than none at all.
GEORDI: Computer, override previous programming. All right, now a program that definitely challenges Data.
I think I must have missed this one in the original run and I'm definitely going to have to catch it now.
For you especially, this is a must-see episode. It has a sequel in the later seasons too.
Here's this scene as it appears in the script; the episode is the same in my recollection. It's only a nitpick, really, but I can't help myself. 😂
Geordi leads them back over to the exit.
GEORDI: Computer! Arch!
And the arch MATERIALIZES. The street crowd pay no attention, except for one man Moriarty) in b.g., who eyes it offhandedly.
PULASKI: Are you really sure you want to put yourself through this, Lieutenant? Better wilted laurels than none at all.
GEORDI: Computer, override previous programming. All right, now a program that definitely challenges Data.